Today we have been talking about the jubilee and had to create a stretchy about a New Zealand disaster between 1996- 2005.
We also had to draw and fold the paper to present our facts.
By Caitlyn
As camp for the senior syndicate is coming up in a week Room 10 is designing tents. Some people finished early like Genzui in the photo but some people are still drawing. "For me the hardest part was drawing in 3-D," said Jayden. In the end, the lesson proved a success.
Today with Mr Mac and Mrs Knight, we learnt a new game called Secret Sentence. The teachers had to choose a secret sentence and the children had to guess words and punctuation. It sounds easy but it's actually really hard! It took lots of guesses to figure out the sentence. Look below to see the photo of our hard work guessing the sentence. Hope you like this game and we would recommend it to the Senior school.